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I look forward to working with you as a facilitator in our upcoming Praxis Programs. As one of the founders of The Praxis Institute I currently serve as the Design Lead and a core facilitator for the Transformational Leadership Program.

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My Story

My journey to Praxis has been guided by a core question: How can we deeply embody and enact the kinds of change that we know and feel are necessary? This question has stayed with me through over 20 years of study and professional practice in the field of international cooperation working with project management, process design, reflective practice and facilitation. The journey began in Latin America, working with local NGOs that were questioning and re-imagining what development could mean in theory and practice. Organizations that were guided by radical visions of change including Human Scale Development, Buen Vivir (Well Living), bio-cultural conservation, agroecology, and endogenous development (development from within). These initiatives were inspiring, but as a practitioner, I continuously experienced the gap between ideals and action, knowing and doing, radical visions and entrenched practices. The experience led me to seek out transformational approaches to change. Approaches that seek to integrate inner, collective and systems change in order to bring about a fundamental shift in who we are and how we live together. My interest in transformation led me to consulting work in North America and a deep dive into transformational leadership programs, including certification through Pacific Integral’s program on Generating Transformative Change. Meanwhile, the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, brought transformation into the mainstream with a global sustainability agenda that is focused on “Transforming Our World”. In 2014, I was fortunate to begin working with the BC Council for International Cooperation, and worked closely with the Executive Director, Mike Simpson, to develop and deliver a series of leadership programs that used the SDGs to explore transformation. The Praxis Institute and its Transformational Leadership Program grew out of this work and continues to evolve through the diverse experiences of the Praxis team and the wider community. We look forward to welcoming you on this journey and continuing to grow the Program with you.

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