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The Full Story

 Our Program Format 

What should you expect?  We follow a basic blueprint and our program has a proven "DNA" based on previous Praxis cohorts but part of the design is adaptive so each cohort will be different. We can outline the modules and give you a flavour of what we do here. 

The Modules

The Modules


Program activities consist of the following elements:


One-to-one conversation with facilitators (Module 1)

Monthly on-line retreats (mandatory) (Modules 2 - 6)

Individual exercises

Group work

Peer-support for addressing trauma-triggers and equity considerations that may be activated.

Weekly check-ins


The bulk of the programming is delivered through six on-line modules during which there are usually three sessions of three hours each (with a 15 minute break). ​


​Optional weekly drop-in calls Additional on-line time between modules provides participants with:


- A space to share their challenges with like-minded peers. 


- An opportunity to gain familiarity and experiment with ideas and practices for transformational change



Offline and between sessions, participants are encouraged and supported in trialing new insights and approaches in their own organization or work environment. Group meetings and pair calls are scheduled to support this.

Time Commitment

Truly transformative processes take time.  Your time is precious. Expect up to 10 hours a month over a five month period  dedicated to your transformational leadership journey.  The program has elements that are optional and others that are required. This structure and time commitment facilitate your growth and advancement in your transformational leadership journey.


Time spent on typical program activities:


3 x 3-hour on-line sessions per module


1-2 hours of preparation time per module 


15 hours for applied learning activities between modules. 


one hour check in sessions bi weekly




The program will endeavour to maximize diversity of experience, identity, outlook and worldview in the content explored, and across the profile of participants and facilitators.


Eligibility requirements that will be shared across program participants are:​

  • Evidence of professional experience and demonstrated leadership (emerging or existing) in sustainability or social change.

  • Facing a transformational challenge or opportunity that requires new leadership skills or is making them question their approach to change and leadership. 

  • Interested in transformational approaches that integrate individual, collective and systems change including an openness to doing inner work as part of outer work in the world.

  • Seeking a community of like minded explorers, questioners and doers who are in bringing about change through community and collaboration 

  • Interested in joining an upcoming Transformational Leadership Program but still have a couple of questions? Book a Discovery Call with one of our facilitators.

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©2024 by Praxis Institute for Transformational Leadership


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