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Our Roots

The roots of our Praxis Program are strong. Some of has have gone through past leadership courses, designed or delivered them or even been participants in the Praxis Institute past programs. All Praxis Program facilitators are experienced in program delivery. Here is our collective story...

The Praxis Story

The Praxis Institute began as an individual program offered by the British Columbia Council for International Cooperation.  At the time Mike was the Executive Director and Dan was the Program Director. BCCIC offered SDG training and mentorship programming that eventually evolved into "The Praxis Program".  Both Dan and Mike were deeply immersed in integral theory. Dan had completed a comprehensive training program through Pacific Integral and Mike had been a board member of Integral Without Borders which offered Integral Leadership Training in partnership with One Sky - The Canadian Institute of Sustainable Living.  Both organizations had considerable experience in transformational change and leadership using an integral theory lens with both non-governmental organizations and the private sector.  Instrumental in the current cohort design and delivery of Praxis were three consultants. Dr. Priya Bala-Miller from Palmyra Partners who was invited to bring her expertise on Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) to the program and Christina Comeau and Prav Pillay.  Christina Comeau and Prav Pillay both had extraordinary talent in leadership program design and the programs benefited hugely from their participation in Praxis. Priya's enthusiasm and her leading role with Palmyra Partners helped us institutionalize Praxis for the second cohort program which Palmyra took under its wing. The Praxis Program moved on from BCCIC and Palmyra to become its own Institute under the midwifery of Palmyra Partners where it had operated under Priya's administrative leadership until 2024.  Ariana Arguella, who is a leader in sustainability, originally participated in the first cohort. Her infectious enthusiasm quickly rocketed her into the role of co-facilitator and design. Arianna brings a strong background in environmental leadership and coaching with her private sector background with Fortis B.C. Each of these four current facilitators has a their own unique roots and influences which you can read briefly about under their profiles.  Of course, no Institute can keep going without technical assistance and Savannah Wieler has proven instrumental. Savannah helps us with our social media, webpage and zoom midwizery during the programming. 





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